

average temperature and average precipitation
Average Temperature (red) and average precipitation (blue) during the period 1980 to 2010


Deeper Analysis


Some signifikant measures are used to give a more detailled view on the climate in Würselen. First of all, all measures are basically averages over a 30 years period of time. The relevant periods are 1961 to 1991, 1971 to 2000 and 1981 to 2010. Hence, the analysis relies on slidending averages.

The presentation starts with a table that provides all data used later on.


Deutscher Wetterdienst DWDAll climate data were taken from the relevant tables of the Deutschen Wetterdienst (DWD) (The governmental weather service in Germany). The data are used according to the Opendata-License of the DWD. webWürselen analyzed the specific data of the weather records of the station near Aachen (ID = 3). This is the nearest DWD's station to Würselen. The bearing is 6°01' East, 50°48' North.

Basic Table

Basic data table



Average Temperature


average temperature


Number of summerdays

number of summerdays


Number of tropical days

number of tropical days


Number of days with frost

number of days with frost


Number of days with permanent frost

number of days with permanent frost


Number of hours with sunshine

number of hours with sunshine





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