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This page is dedicated to aerial views of Würselen around 1970. The views are from postcards are older than 50 years. Each card has an original size of 13 cm x 10 cm. The postcards are scanned with highest resolution.


St. Sebastian - Kaiserstraße

Luftbild von Würselen, ca. 1950

Postcard showing an arial photo of Würselen ca. 1970
(private property, The back is showing a stamp of Cremer Kunsthandel KG, Dortmund)

Click on the image to show a high resolution (UHD) image of the picture in a new browser page.

Rhein-Maas Klinikum, former Kreiskrankenhaus Marienhöhe

luftbild1950 nw 800

Postcard showing an arial photo of Würselen ca. 1970
(private property, The back is showing a stamp of Cremer Kunsthandel KG, Dortmund)

Click on the image to show a high resolution (UHD) image of the picture in a new browser page.


Aachener Straße

luftbild1950 sw 800

Postcard showing an arial photo of Würselen ca. 1970
(private property, The back is showing a stamp of Cremer Kunsthandel KG, Dortmund)

Click on the image to show a high resolution (UHD) image of the picture in a new browser page.


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