Some aspects of Würselen's history deserve a second look. The series of highlights of the Geschichtswerkstatt thankfully sheds light on such aspects. But sometimes these contributions are not as comprehensive as the topic actually deserves. Space and design options are limited. In addition, the booklets themselves and the contributions are of course subject to copyright protection. WebWürselen cannot offer them here.
However, there are still essays that can be made accessible via webWürselen. We thank the authors for the permission to offer these essays as PDF files here. You can view and download the files. It must be pointed out that the copyright remains with the authors, of course. So, if you want to use texts or illustrations from the articles yourself, you need the express permission of the authors, unless otherwise noted.
We apologise that the essays are only avilable in German. Nevertheless, it is worth to have a look on the pictures, drawings and figures to get the clue.
To view the essays, please click on the cover page of the respective essay.

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"Das" Würselener Wurmtal - mal anders gesehen
The Wurm valley in Würselen - seen diferently

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"Teut" - alter Bergbau, neue Erkenntnisse
'Teut', old mining, new findingsIn 2022, the essay was the winner in the 'Private Researcher' category of the History Prize of the Aachen Region (Corus Foundation). It appears in an abbreviated form in issue 11 of the Geschichtswerkstatt Würselen. The present version reproduces the essay in its entirety, the layout has been revised and some new aspects have been added.