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 This page present some selected picture taken from part two of the book "Würselen". The book is published in 1969. This very year is the 'today'. All pictures are taken before 1968 oder earlier.

Memorial medallie of the city of Würselen for the 1100-year celebration in 1970

Memorial medallie of the city of Würselen for the 1100-year celebration in 1970


Ring of Honour of the City of Würselen

Ring of Honour of the City of Würselen


Mayor's chain of office for 1100-year celebration donated by the Würselen hometown club

Mayor's chain of office for 1100-year celebration donated by the Würselen hometown club


Indoor pool at Wisselsbach

Indoor pool at Wisselsbach



Outdoor pool at Wisselsbach

 Outdoor pool at Wisselsbach


The Kaiserstraße is the main commercial street and important motorway through Würselens (circa 1965)

The Kaiserstraße is the main commercial street and important motorway through Würselens (circa 1965)



Sage woven: Würselens "Original Düvel" in the tower of the parish church of St. Sebastian

Sage woven: Würselens "Original Düvel" in the tower of the parish church of St. Sebastian

Please observe the copyright of the city of Würselen.
For more information see here.

Some comments and explanations have been added.Such information is presented as follows:

Comments and explanations go here.


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