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Microcensus 2024
In the period from January to December 2024, a total of roughly 380,000 households and collective living quarters will be selected using random sampling and the residents surveyed. This is equivalent to approximately 1% of Germany's population. The results of the microcensus provide the general public, policy-makers and the scientific community with a wide range of information on life in Germany. They serve as an important basis for policy decisions that affect the lives of many people.
Wirtschaft und Statistik journal
The census is the largest project in German official statistics. Census results inform many plans and decisions made at the federal, Land and municipality levels. The issue of our WISTA scientific journal focussing on the 2022 Census documents the concepts, approaches and methods that were applied in the surveys. The topics discussed range from the individual steps involved in counting the population and the adoption of the Online First strategy for the first time to the processing and editing of the primary statistical survey components, the use of quality indicators for quality measurement and guaranteeing confidentiality with the cell key method.